Teams & Human Resources

Royal Star would not have been able to achieve inroads into the real estate industry without the vision and dedication of our strong and dynamic team and leadership.
All our projects and undertakings are efficiently monitored and handled by more than 3600 employees within the committed Royal Star family each of whom is equipped with technical expertise, excellent domain knowledge and extensive cross-functional diversification.

We strongly believe in employee empowerment throughout the entire group layers, and this is accomplished by compelling the teams to learn more and achieve higher level of knowledge. Such levels of knowledge can only be reached by functioning as a “learning organization”, and this is how Royal Star ensures this virtue:

Our motto is “we do not build buildings, we build people”. In order to operate as a learning organization, we believe that the people within, are the real equity. All employees are encouraged to adopt the “continuous improvement” attitude and generous rewards are offered for those who come up with new ideas.